Tuesday 26 May 2009

Final 'Performance East' project presentations


Presentations took place on Thursday 21st May 2009 at University of Hertfordshire. There was indeed a wide selection of ideas and choreographic journeys... that I will need more time to document it all. As I don't wish to leave the memory to linger with no evidence of it, I will here post a random selection of images. Recordings of selected video footage is being put together for relevant e-channels.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable day, as, really, the idea was to experiment, explore and see where that took you - and, indeed, it did take you places.. myself, Anne Tilby and Benedict Anderson all agree. I hope you will use this experience and remember how wonderful it can be to step outside that expected box... Enjoy.

More later when I have the opportunity, with more careful time, to edit the footage.

